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Linux Basics for Hackers

The course based upon the #1 Computer Security New Release on Amazon!



This is the perfect course for those beginning their journey into hacking and information security. The course teaches the basics of Linux from the hacker's perspective.


Topics covered include;


1. What is Ethical Hacking


2. Getting Started with Linux


3. Text Manipulation


4. Managing Networks


5. Adding and Removing Software


6. File and Directory Permissions


7. Process Management


8. Environment Variables


9. BASH Scripting


10. Using and Abusing Services


11. Security and Anonymity


Although it isn't necessary to buy the book, we will be following the material in the book closely and having the book will help.


This course is free to any one who is a Hackers-Arise Subscriber (3 years for $500) and to celebrate the publication of the book, we are offering this course for just $99 for everyone else.


If you are not a Subscriber and want to take this course, fill out the registration form below.


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