Radio Basics for Hackers, Part 3: Sampling
SCADA Hacking: Sending Random Inputs into the Russian Industrial Systems
Remaining Anonymous: Getting Started with Tails
Hackers-Arise Featured in Norway Public Television Documentary on the Cyberwar in Ukraine
Password Cracking: Creating Custom Password List with cupp
Why YOU Should Study Software Defined Radio (SDR) for Hackers!
We Have Successfully Accessed Many IP Cameras in Ukrainian Territory to Spy on Russian Activities
Software Defined Radio (SDR) for Hackers: Choosing the Best Hardware for SDR
Radio Basics for Hackers, Part 1: Electromagnetic Radiation, Frequency and Wavelength
Open Source Intelligence (OSINT): This Person Doesn't Exist (Deep Fakes and AI)
Bug Bounty Hunting, Part 2: Stealthy Parameter Detection with ParamSpider
Confessions of a Professional Hacker: Can the CIA or other Intelligence Agencies Track My Every Move
Software Defined Radio (SDR) for Hackers: Setting Up Your HackRF One
Wi-Fi Hacking: Creating a Wi-Fi Scanner with Python and Scapy
Software Defined Radio for Hacker: How to Spoof your Global Position (GPS) to Hide Your Location
Networking Basics for Hackers, Part 1
Open Source Intelligence (OSINT): OSINT Tools for Bitcoin Investigations
Metasploit Basics for Hackers, Part 1: Getting Started with Metasploit
Open Source Intelligence (OSINT): Finding Vulnerable Systems Across the Internet with
The Brief History of Russian Cyberattacks Against Ukraine and the Risks they Pose to the West